Who We Are

Pastor Shane & Sis. Deanna Britt


My wife and I are delighted that you stopped by our page today to learn more about the church we are privileged to lead. Before you go any further, I would like to tell you a little about our family. 

DeAnna and I started our journey together as a couple over 23 years ago. This journey has been an exciting one and it has included 3 amazing children and many adventures in between . We started our life together in Mississippi and then moved to Alabama where we have lived for the last 19 years. 

In November 2009, God called us to Pastor the church we now call Sanctuary Community Church. This is our first and only church to pastor. It has been the honor of a lifetime to lead such wonderful people. Our burden and passion has not changed since the first day we stepped into the city. We believe all people deserve the opportunity to hear the glorious gospel of truth and be able to respond accordingly! Our goal is to create an atmosphere where you and your family can know Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost, grow in faith and relationship, discover your purpose, and serve others. 

We pray this short summary of who we are and our passion will create a desire for you and your family to join us in person or online. 


Pastor Shane and DeAnna Britt


What We Believe